I did it! I climbed all 260 steps at the Pyramid of the Sun! I have some awesome pictures of me at the top, with the Pyramid of the Moon in the background. Can you believe there were even butterflies fluttering around and playing at the top with us? They were not Monarchs, but we think some type of black swallow tail butterfly.
The Avenue of the Dead, the street that runs from the Moon to the Sun, has several smaller platforms you can climb and sit on. While we were in this area a man gave a demonstration of how the ancient people painted their pyramids! The cactus plant has aphids, similar to the ones we can find on the milkweed, that they can crush and make a paint color that is bright red. The stem of a native thistle plant when wetted makes a yellow color. Cactus juice is used to set the color so it does not rub off. I have samples of both colors to show you. Archeologists have been studying the colors they have found at the ancient ruins and have concluded they come from natural plants.
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